Phone: 816-353-6826
Email: Bruce@SafeShoot.com
Online/In person class.
The schedule for the CCW class is flexible, and can be done one on one. Please contact the instructor for further details.
For this Missouri CCW class, participants will be required to take the online NRA Basic Pistol Class at https://onlinetraining.nra.org. Click on the NRA Basic Pistol Class. The cost for this online program, through the NRA is $60, payable to the NRA. Once completed, participants will need to print off the online certificate of completion and bring to me when we meet for the range portion of the class.
Enrollment for the in-person session can be done by completing the adjacent form and paying the class fee of $55 (per person), via PayPal. Once payment is received the participant will receive an email attatchment with the class handout.
Participants are welcome to bring their own handgun. If so, please bring a minimum of 40 rounds of ammo. If you'd prefer to use one of our .22 caliber handguns and ammo, the rental fee for the class is $25. A time to complete the 30 minute, in person range time will be coordinated during our online class.